It seems like the entire world is falling apart now, and with that, your mental health takes a massive toll. The social fabric of the culture is disintegrating, while global ecosystems are being pushed to the brink of collapse. It’s starting to spin out of control. How can anyone feel healthy living amid all of this?
It is the root of the epidemics of depression, anxiety, and even shame for one’s role in things. Culturally, the default response is to move further towards individualism and consumption, especially if you’re American. This disconnects people from community, and increases pressure on the environment. Addictions and distractions are ways that lots of people deal with things, while others cling to ever more extreme attempts to deny this reality. None of these things solve the problem, though. Finding true healing, deep reconnection, and real growth can seem near impossible.
Our problems won’t be solved the same way that they are being caused. A psilocybin journey, particularly one that integrates nature, could help you see yourself, the world, and your part in it all differently!
You may already know a little of what magic mushrooms can do for your well-being. There is a strong and growing body of research showing how these tiny friends have helped people break the patterns of anxiety, alcoholism, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. The FDA has recognized it as a breakthrough therapy for both major depressive disorder and treatment-resistant depression.
But to be clear, this isn’t like therapy for such things in the traditional sense. We believe psilocybin may help you see the nature of yourself, and how that relates to the issues we all face, more clearly.
Our journeys aim to enhance all of that, so you can gain new awareness about yourself, other people, and the important purpose you have amid these critical times!
My first life-shifting psychedelic experience came the summer before college. I would never see things the same, disconnected way again, but I had no way to integrate what happened to me. I studied psychology in college, but any mention of my experience was along the lines of schizophrenia, drugs, or other hallucinations. Western psychology had very little positive to say about my experience. While it shaped me, over time it felt more and more distant. But similar experiences followed in the years to come. These moments were shaping my life, regardless of what I understood of them or not.
My path over the next three decades spanned traditional mental health, wilderness therapy, and guiding outdoor experiences of all varieties, my favorite being on rivers. These experiences didn’t always create these powerful moments, but they did help me find that sense of peace and connection that went along with deep psychedelic experiences.
After decades in the field, I went to graduate school where I found ecopsychology. I began to understand the importance of altered states both personally and in working with others, the profound power of connecting with and exploring the natural world, and how all of that helped in finding one’s peace and purpose. I earned my M.A. in 2013, and eventually opened my own outdoor experience company, Evolve Wild, to help people connect with the stunning landscapes throughout Oregon.
When psilocybin became legal in Oregon, combining that with these experiences was a natural fit. During my training at InnerTrek and through the psychedelic community, I connected with a group of other facilitators with diverse skills, backgrounds, and life experiences who want to help people from all walks of life combine psilocybin with the benefits of time in the natural world. Working together, we offer these unique journeys to help you on your path, and to help instill a more connected, aware, loving and peaceful human presence on the planet.
Schedule a free 20 minute consultation and find out how we can work together
Do an intake, meet your group (group journeys), and get on your path towards healing and growth
Have a life-altering psilocybin experience with us!
Live what you find back into the world, with integration support!
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